Don't Let Money and Financial Troubles Ruin Your Marriage

Introduction: This article goes to the root of the problem: resentment. I could just say: don't resent your situation, don't resent your spouse, don't resent yourself, don't resent anything.
Resentment robs you of your higher powers. It literally renders you subject to circumstance. Resentment renders you sensitive to stress, it separates you from calm reason and intuition, it robs you of the measured response and makes you go to extremes.
Let go of resentment. There is no one more important piece of advice I can give you. Even Ann Landers, one of the greatest and most revered advice givers of all time, said it. After a lifetime of giving advice, she said: be more forgiving.
If you have some finance issues, resentment is never going to help you solve them. Resentment only makes you more subject to them. Soon you will resent your subjectivity and turn around and take it out on your spouse or kids.

If you have relationship issues--first thing is don't resent your mate.

You will never solve anything or find true happiness until you learn to give up resentment.

Oh. . . . incidentally, that includes giving up judgment. Some of us say "I don't resent anyone." Instead you form secret judgments about them. Judgment is a sneaky form of resentment with a little contempt and secret sense of superiority thrown in.

There. Now I've said it. Let go of resentment.

If you took this to heart and really really realized how destructive resentment is and how resentful you have been: your problems would be over.

But though we all know that resentment is sneaky and dysfunctional, we hang onto the right to resent. We say "I can't forgive him--too much has happened."

So now that I have warned you about resentment, I will continue with some more details.

If you are interested in learning more about how resentment contributes to stress and its symptoms, you can preview my new book Conquering Stress and its Symptoms online for free.

Now here's the article:

Financial crisis does not have to lead to family crisis. Economic troubles don't have to result in relationship or health problems.

You can still be reasonably happy, healthy, loving, and cheerful in spite of external circumstances.

We all know this at some level. We have all heard that money can't buy you happiness. We've all seen families who have very little, but who have a lot of love. We've seen great men and women come out of poverty.

Many of us who are a bit older remember when we were young newlyweds, for example, and had nothing but a one room apartment, a lamp, and some boxes to sit on. We remember that we were happy, much happier than years later when we had many material possessions. . . . . . . . . . .
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