Love is Sweet - a loving holiday reminder from Roland Trujillo

Love is Sweet
by Roland Trujillo

The song says love and marriage
Go together
Like a horse and carriage.
If so, why is marriage so disparaged?

A marriage of two selfish people
Will not be good
When both partners brood.
Even if the wedding was under a steeple.

But don't worry,
And don't be in a hurry.
We're all a bit selfish before we grow,
That's what lifelong learning is for.

So if you feel there is something missing,
Start by being more forgiving.
No one is perfect, least of all you.
He chose you, but you chose him too.

You knew he wasn't perfect way back then,
And now you want to start all over again?

Think a new partner will be any better?
You'll say Swiss and he'll say cheddar.

"Mirror, mirror, square or round,
Who's the fairest one in town?"
It isn't you, and you know it's true,
If you are resentful and wear a frown.

"But I'm always nice
and helpful as can be.
I'm always doing for others,
I'm busy, busy, busy."

Yes, but under all your doing,
Resentment is stewing.
When you go the extra mile,
You secretly judge others
for not appreciating you.

While on the surface you wore a smile,
Underneath your resentment grew.

To make unhappiness go away
And start feeling better today,
Here's how to start--
Wear a smile on your heart,
Not just on your face
Then you'll always walk with stately grace.

Don't be like the circus clown
Who smiles but is secretly wearing a frown.
When you are smiling inside
You won't even remember why you cried.

To forgive is to forget.
You're asking how to forgive, I bet?
The answer is easy--
Just remember to no longer resent
And you'll wonder where the bitterness went

When you remember to be more forgiving,
There won't be any misgiving,
And you'll give thanksgiving
For the joy you will be feeling.
No more tired and blue,
And your husband will notice it too.

Everyday is a holiday cruise
And you won't have the blues
When to be more forgiving you choose.

Dr. Roland Trujillo, D Pastoral Psychology, is the author of 18 books and has been helping couples for 25 years. 

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